Genetic Fortune-Telling

Have you ever heard the word "fortune-telling"?
Well, maybe the first thought that appeared in your mind is kind of magical power that owned by a person or things or even a cookie. (fortune cookie, i mean)
But now, technology owns it all! Technology has a very big role in every part of your life. Especially in the medical world.

Huge inventions are being made in this 21th century. Helix, 23andMe, Myriad Genetics, BK Biobank and the Broad Institute, is making us possible to predict chances of disease such as cancer, or even IQ by analyzing genetic data. 
Cardiologist Khera, is part of team at the broad institute, constructed what is called a polygenic score. That particular score can predicted and identify the approximate percent of diseases that you have in your DNA. 
And now, after a long journey obviously, you can get your DNA data, your family trees and the chance of untreatable disease online by signing up for 23andMe or in case you want to make plans about your life 10 years later from now, because it may takes a little bit of your money from your bank account wkwk) As I know, you will be sent a measuring thing and you need to fill that with your saliva to the specified limit. And then you need to send it back. Then, you'll get your result!

No gene variant had ever been tied directly to IQ test result till now. but studies involving more than 300 hundred people's DNA linked to 206 variants intelligence. But for now we just need to wait until the data needed is completely collected, and hoping it will be freely available online wkwkwk.


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