
Showing posts from November, 2018

Computer Class

Halo guys! Minggu ini adalah minggu pertama kelas computer setelah UTS. Nah, masih dalam topik yang sama yaitu Ms.Excel. Kenapa sih excel lagi excel terus? Soalnya excel ini penting banget apalagi buat kami di jurusan kebendaharaan negara yang tentunya bakal ketemu sama data dalam jumlah besar. Kalo gak di bantu Ms.Excel pasti bakal repot banget. Kali ini bahasan kita tentang bikin Chart, Grouping, dan Page layout Kalo bikin chart rasa rasanya kita udah pernah belajar ya dari SMP, tapi yang grouping dan page layout, mungkin jadi hal baru buat saya. Nah, grouping ini buat ngelompokin data. Tapi jangan lupa di sort dulu ya. Nanti jadi nya bakal kaya yang di atas guys. Untung page layout kalian bias setting untuk footer, header, dan batas print yang kalian inginkan.

Genetic Fortune-Telling

Have you ever heard the word "fortune-telling"? Well, maybe the first thought that appeared in your mind is kind of magical power that owned by a person or things or even a cookie. (fortune cookie, i mean) But now, technology owns it all! Technology has a very big role in every part of your life. Especially in the medical world. Huge inventions are being made in this 21th century.   Helix, 23andMe, Myriad Genetics, BK Biobank and the Broad Institute , is making us possible to predict chances of disease such as cancer, or even IQ by analyzing genetic data.  Cardiologist Khera, is part of team at the broad institute, constructed what is called a polygenic score. That particular score can predicted and identify the approximate percent of diseases that you have in your DNA.  And now, after a long journey obviously, you can get your DNA data, your family trees and the chance of untreatable disease online by signing up for 23andMe or in case you want t...