
Showing posts from September, 2018

Easier Life With Artificial Intelligence

Kalau ngomongin teknologi emang gak ada abis-abis nya. Apalagi sekarang kita sudah memasuki generasi ke-5. Dimana semua serba canggih, mudah, dan instan. Semua bisa dilakukan dengan mengetukkan jari ke layar handphone kita. Kok bisa ya? pasti ada sesuatu yang membuat komputer dan handphone kita jadi pinter dan cepet banget kalo memproses informasi. Nah, sesuatu itu namanya Artificial Intelligence. Ilustrasi Artificial Intelligence Sebenernya, apa sih Artificial Intelligence itu ? Artificial intelligence (AI) atau yang biasa disebut kecerdasan buatan adalah studi yang tujuannya membuat teknologi komputer memiliki kecerdasan seperti manusia. Terinspirasi dari otak manusia, dibuatlah Neural Network yang dapat menganalisis data dalam jumah besar. Neural Network ini terdiri dari "neuron-neuron" yang bekerja secara bersama-sama dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Gak kaya komputer tradisional yang cuma ngikutin perintah, teknologi ini mengikuti contoh dan "belajar...

My First Computer Class

Hello!! So, this is my first time ever i write a blog. Well, I usually write a blog for my poems and not this kind of blog. So, this is my first time right? Firstly pardon if my greeting was awkward lol. secondly, pardon my grammatical error. because this is a blog not a paper wkwk. Ok i'll stop here and let's get into the topic! 9/18/2018 Was my first computer class. The professor ? Was so good! and I have a good time learning computer here than in my school before. Our first discussion was about The Five Generations of Computer ( I wont write about that here, so you can search it on google yourself). Actually I started thinking "how can such a small brain made something so incredibly awesome like that!?" The technology we use today is a very long journey. Started from a big size of machine, turn into a small thing called "laptop". Started from a thing that we can't move easily, into a thing that we can carry with our hand. I mean, human...